Saving my sanity one nail at a time.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Cravings, Cheating & Conquering!

In this wonderful thing called life there are always a few things that seem to interrupt my impeccable discipline: fatigue, not enough time, my period, too much fun times... not enough fun times, ok so maybe don't have that much discipline! But I'm working on it, damnit!

I recently returned from a cruise to the Bahamas for my girl's Bachelorette party (Whoo!)... nothing wrecks a diet and this so called thing called "discipline" like all-access ice cream and pizza. For my own sanity (namely to save myself from guilt) I suspended my water and squat challenge.

As a result a few things happened, the biggest one being I COULDN'T DRINK COFFEE! I bypassed my usual one cup a day for 1/2 a cup (I tried to be as good as possible) and I still couldn't hang. The cravings were there, still smelled great, tasted better... but my body was not feeling it. I didn't even attempt juice. The most I could deal with was unsweetened iced tea. This pretty much solidified for me what I always knew, to conquer my cravings I need to ignore it and after a while the HOLD WILL BE BROKEN! Ok maybe that was a little dramatic but, in all honesty cravings are uncomfortable but they won't kill you (And I just have to keep telling myself that whenever Lindt chocolate is on sale at Target). Logically I know once I get past the initial feelings I can stop training my body to respond to certain stimuli like... always "needing" something sweet after I eat.

We all fall short in listening to our bodies, cravings and/or feelings of discomfort are there for a reason- for you to respond and give your body what it needs. Thirsty? You don't need juice, you need water. Hungover? It's not just a "oopsie, I got too turnt up", you need Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc and B vitamins (yea alcohol pretty much drains you of all nutrients). Tired? You could need any amounts of things starting with a good night's rest on a regular basis, not a RedBull (Though I've had my fair share of 5-hour energy shots).

Food for thought (And maybe even put into practice):

As for my squat challenge needless to say that fell to the side as well (I mean, was I supposed to do 130 squats on the beach?!). The general lack of activity left me feeling too fatigued and drained of all energy. We always feel like there isn't enough time to work out, or we are just too damn tired when the truth is getting your blood pumping and the natural high from a sense of accomplishment will give you that bump of energy you need. And instead of feeling sluggish you will feel energized.

My plan now? Get back on the horse, I've dallied too long and there's no reason to stop my progress. Changes to diet and nutrition are a LIFESTYLE choice that will have trial, error and general f@*K ups. TWO WEEKS TO GO!!!

(Can't forget) Nail of the Week:

Thursday, March 13, 2014


So I got a huge wakeup in February when I came back from Vegas and realized I def gained 10 unnecessary pounds so I really need to get back to gym life. I came back to NYC totally motivated to renew my healthy living and eating. Introducing the:
My 30 day water challenge began 3.2.14 and it means is me drinking nothing but water for the next 30 days. That means no tea, coffee, juice, alcohol...well, you get the jist. 

My main reasons for this was to:
1) Increase my daily H2O intake
2) See how addicted to liquids ::Achem:: coffee
3) And, I wanted to see if all the hoopla was true, would drinking water actually my skin look better after 30 days
And as of today I'm half way done!

Next on the agenda of March is the:

The squat challenge is pretty self-explanatory. It was just a fun way for me to get back into the flow of working out regularly with small goals that are easily achieved. It has actually become fun as I've successfully dragged several friends into this with me (muahahaha) the numbers may be daunting but if you pace yourself it's def doable.

Tips for added benefits:
1) breathe. Breathe. BREATHE! (make sure you are breathing in when standing and out when squatting)
2) Too easy? Vary the speed, the slower more effort it will take and the more sore you'll be
3) Only sore in one area? Start contracting your muscles on the way up (squeeze that ass)
4) Not sore enough? Add some weights!

Back online!!

So in my little hiatus from the blog world I completed my first 31 day challenge and then promptly lost half of those pics when my phone went hay-wire (WHY didn't I back everything up!?) Needless to say I became a bit unmotivated...

BUT! I did/do miss it so hopes of making amends I've posted the pics that actually still exist and survived the failing of my iPhone; I also want to begin a 31 Day challenge anew (dare I try again??). 

Day 28: Inspired by a flag (Nigeria)
Day 20: Watermarbled
Day 19: Galaxies

These are just some of my fave nail designs from 2013 that didn't really get any press: